Social media responsibility


The suicide of Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi after his sexual encounter with another man was broadcast online shocked the nation.  The suspension of three Nebraska State Penitentiary guards over comments about inmate treatment posted   online brought the risks of social network services home.

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9/11: Unimaginable

Trevor Brass/HC Media

I walked into the kitchen like I would any 5th grade morning while the AM station played. My mother told me an airplane had hit the World Trade Center, I assumed it was just a light aircraft. Any thing else was unimaginable. Arriving at Pyrtle Elementary, I got my experience of the history with CNN.

I had thought CNN was something only rich families had. It seemed like a forbidden treat to watch the day’s events unfold. I began to think about the wider world around me, guess this was just symptomatic of that larger trend.

One falls, then the other. The Pentagon also hit. A flight from United learns that today everything changed and took matters into their own hands, saving many. I never thought anyone would live in a skyscraper after that. Guess I was wrong, and I’m glad for it.